Calendar Design

For a typography class, I was tasked with designing a calendar in an unusual layout. On the calendar I needed to include goals for myself, the nation, and the world, no matter how unrealistic they were. Little did I know the COVID-19 pandemic would hit and prevent a majority of my goals from happening. I chose to do a flip calendar that had hand-cut letters visible for every month. An open calendar would reveal the layout of the days as well as any resolutions for that month.



Buy a car / May 8

Trave outside of the state / between May and August

Learn a new song on my ukulele / March 1

Listen to an album from a new artist / Each month

Start a conversation with a stranger / Each week

Create a personal budget / January 1

Stop going on social media before getting out of bed / February 31

Paint a self-portrait / July 15

Get a new tattoo / March 11

Finish an entire book / December 31

Volunteer once a semester / December 17

Help school club raise $300 for girls education / May 1


More than 50% of  people thrift shopping to reduce fast fashion waste / October 1

Higher taxes for the rich / July 15

Over 60% turnout for voters under 30 in presidential election / November 3

Ban plastic shopping bags / May 1

Reduce tuition costs by 20% / December 1

No more homeless people / April 1


Have higher than 25% of the world's energy consumption come from renewable energy / September 1

End child marriages worldwide / April 1

Reduce the number of girls without access to formal education to 10 milion / August 30

Flat Designs


Printed Calendar
